Hello and welcome to OSRS Equity, we strive to make sure you have the perfect OSRS account to either get you started or even make you cash! We're a US based website and have 15+ YRS experience playing Runescape. Starting in 2004 the Game has rapidly grown into a great community to strive in and we hope you enjoy the game as much as we do, that's why we want to be the one's to offer you a brand new account for those who have never played and want to be able to jump right in and for those who have played in the past but just cant find that 5+ yr old account information we're here to make sure you can get an account quick and hassle free.  We really hope you enjoy and appreciate the time and effort put into each item because they are 100% earned by a PERSON absolutely NEVER BOTTED!! we use a VPN for security and always recommend setting up a email on your account, we also encourage you to PLEASE setup 2-STEP AUTHINTICATOR on the Runescape account settings, this will ensure your accounts safety for you. Always remember its just a game, and just like we do, enjoy it, experience it, and always remember to move forward to MAX!!


All images of items and photos are not owned by OSRS Equity, all rights are reserved to their respective owners and creators.

Some images are taken from oldschool.runescape.com, and its copyright is held by Jagex Ltd.


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